Extra Virgin Olive Oil Chilli Infused - 250ml

availability: In Stock

Contadino olive farm 1106 Princes Highway, Falls Creek NSW, Australia
Delivery methods
1106 Princes Highway, Falls Creek NSW: $0.00

Estimated time: 1- 3 working days around Nowra and Worrigee. $8.50

Product details

Buy Extra Virgin Olive Oil (Chilli-infused) - 250ml From Local Producers Near Nowra

Our Chili-Infused EVOO is the perfect ingredient for those who want to turn up the heat and add flair to their food. It's perfect for stir-fries, pasta sauces, marinades, Thai salads, pizzas, curries, and wherever you'd like to add a little heat and variety to your meal. Our Infused Range is a limited release, so don't miss out!

Source: Produced by our lovely team at Contadino Olive farm

Pick up/delivery 

Pick up: The same day, 9 am to 5 pm at our farm store at Falls Creek

Delivery: Nowra/ Worrigee: 


Returns and refunds: We accept returns at delivery or pick-up points for a full refund or exchange. We cannot accept returns after a successful pickup or delivery for food safety reasons. If you have any concerns, please feel free to contact us.